MixEd Reality and GeoINformatics for MOnument DEmonstration


MERGIN’ MODE is a Cultural Information System aiming to demonstrate monuments by merging real with virtual, in a Mixed Reality, assisted by Geoinformation technologies. In specific, the system makes use of cutting-edge technologies in the field of Geoinformatics for creating digital surface models of high accuracy, through the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles and worldwide recognized contemporary photogrammetric tools. At the same time the members of the Project Team exploit the applied research performed for many years which includes recognized by the research community software prototype for creating custom geospatial worlds.

The last simulate the spatial objects related to a monument in a number of overlaid georeferenced vector layers along with three dimensional models representing spatial cultural entities able to populate the areas of a digital surface or to move in predefined or dynamically defined paths. Therefore, assisted by the rich historical documentation material it is possible to represent a monument with its past condition. Or to revive events of the past in a perfect virtual world which combined with the real world, captured by the camera of a smart device, to produce a mixed reality that will enhance the cultural experience of the visitors.
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