Dimitrios Ampatzidis

Assistant Professor

Personal information

Email adress: dampatzi@ihu.gr

AIM: dimitrios.ampatzidis2

Office: ST004

(Ground Floor) Office Hours: Wednesday 08:00-10:00

Personal Researcher Website: https://researchgate.net/profile/Dimitrios_Ampatzidis

Personal Researcher Website: orcid.org/0000-0002-0182-5093


Main scientific fields of activity

I. Implementation of geodetic reference systems

II. Processing of GNSS and SLR observations

III. Tectonic Geodesy

IV. Deformation monitoring

V. Digital Terrain Model Representation Techniques

VI. Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Terrain Models

VII. Coordinate transformations in various Geodetic Reference Systems

VIII. Advanced Observation Correction Techniques

IX. Marine Geodesy and Satellite Altimetry

X. Geoid study in local scale

XI. Evaluation of bathymetric maps through the use of sounding data

Academic studies

January 2008 – June 2011: Doctoral Diploma of the Department of Rural and Surveying Engineers of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. with a grade of "Excellent", for the preparation of the doctoral thesis: "Study for the optimal implementation of a geodetic reference system in the Greek area"

 October 2006 – November 2007: Master's Degree in "Geoinformatics" with specialization: "Modern Geodetic Applications" Department of Rural and Surveying Engineers of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

October 2001 – October 2006: Diploma Department of Rural and Surveying Engineers of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.



June 2021: Postgraduate Training Certificate "Precision Agriculture Applications" of the Hellenic Open University.

October 2020: NGS Training Course: “Global Reference Frames: What they Are and How/Why NGS Aligns to Them"

June 2020: RUS Copernicus Training Course: Copernicus for Geophysical and Geomorphological Applications. (Webinars) (https://rus-training.eu/training/rus-remote-training-copernicus-for-geological-and-geomorphological-applications).

September 2017: Bernese Training School: Astronomical Institute of University of Bern, Switzerland (see Appendix).

June 2010: IAG School on Reference Frames, Mytilene Greece.

September 2010: International School on "The Determination and Use of the Geoid" Politecnico Milano, Polo di Como, Como, Italy.


Scholarships - Honors - Awards

December 2020: Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd Arab Journal of Geosciences Conference. Website: https://www.cajg.org/index.php?p=committees (see Appendix).

October 2014: Selected for the preparation of a postdoctoral scholarship by the Greek Center for Agricultural Development "Dimitra" (supervised body of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food). Due to my departure to Germany and according to the Center's regulations, the scholarship was given to the next runner-up.

January 2013: Publication of excellence actions (within the action: "Highlighting and support of Academic & Scientific Excellence in Greek Higher Education"). Website:

June 2012: Letter of Honor from the Minister of National Defense for the execution of defense projects in areas of responsibility of the 3rd and 4th Army Corps (Thessaloniki and Evros).

September 2011: Award of Excellence from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

May 2011: Best Student Poster Award at the European Reference System Implementation Committee symposium, Chisinau, Moldova.

December 2010: Scholarship from the AUTH Research Committee for the preparation of a Doctoral Thesis.

October 2006: Diploma Grade in the top 10% of graduates of the academic year.

December 2005: Scholarship from the State Scholarship Foundation for the best student performance of the academic year 2004-05.


Foreign Languages

English: Very good knowledge

German: Good knowledge

French: Basic Knowledge


Professional and Academic Experience

Dec. 2021-onward: Assistant Professor at the Topography and Geoinformatics Engineering Department of the International University of Greece based in Serres. Knowledge Subject: Geodesy and Positioning Systems (Official Gazette: C' 2935-01.12.2021).

Courses: Geodesy III: Topographic and Geodetic Networks, Geodesy IV: Satellite (GPS)

Nov. 2021 – Dec. 2021: University Scholar at the Topography and Geoinformatics Engineering Department of the International University of Greece based in Serres. Course: Geodesy IV : Satellite (GPS). Theory and Laboratories.

Jan. 2017- Sept. 2021: Scientific Associate of the German Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy in Frankfurt (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie/BKG). KoKoRef program (internal program of the service under Research and Development / Forschung und Entwicklung: Conventional Combination Analysis for the Comparison of Global Terrestrial Reference Frames.

Main duties:

I. Processing and analysis of satellite telemetry observations (Satellite Laser Ranging/SLR) on GNSS satellites (GPS and GLONASS). The measurements are processed with the Bernese Software program.

II. Optimal combination solution: a. SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging) on ​​GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) satellites, b. GNSS and c. SLR on LAGEOS satellites. The combination solution is done at the level of normal equations. III. Evaluation of GNSS satellite trajectories by means of SLR.

IV. Assessing the scale of global reference frames

V. Evaluation of the coordinates of the geocenter (geocenter motion)

VI. Evaluation of Earth Rotation Parameters

VII. Determination of systematic errors of the SLR technique

VIII. Analysis of the effect of non-atmospheric loading on the processing results.

September 2014-December 2016: Research Associate at the German Center for Geosciences (GFZ).

Main duties:

I. Principal Investigator in the GGOS-SIM program (Simulation of Global Geodetic Observing Systems, approved by the German Research Community/Deutsche Forschung Gemeinschaft). Responsible for a global network of (simulated) GPS observations. The observations were processed with the EPOS program.

II. Optimal combination of spatial techniques at the summation level of normal equations

III. Theory of global reference systems and their application

IV. Special methods for a solution combining different techniques and local ties.


May 2014 – September 2014: Employee of the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Halkidiki based in Nea Moudania for the calculation of farmers' subsidies.

Main duties:

I. Locating parcels of land

II. Transformations of datums

III. Cadastral applications

IV. Photogrammetric and remote sensing applications.

V. Determining the location of parcels using handheld GNSS

During the work, Excel spreadsheet programs were written for the first time for coordinate transformation, which led to a simplification of the procedures.


September 2013- Apr. 2014: External Scientific Associate at Space Geomatica Ltd. in Chania, Greece. Engaged in research projects for the processing of satellite altimetry, GNSS and bathymetry data.

October 2012-September 2013:

(a) Consulting Engineer to private companies in the fields of GNSS processing and datum transformations.

(b) teacher in private education.

February-October 2012: Completed military service in the Greek Army as an Engineer. The term was fulfilled in the 737 Directorate of Military Projects of the 3rd Army Corps in Thessaloniki and 4th Army Corps in Thrace (Evros). Member initially and then head of a group of soldiers responsible for the execution of studies: hydrology, environment, structural works and major geodetic works.



Diploma theses/dissertations: 3

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals: 24

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed Greek journals: 1

Articles in proceedings of international conferences with referees: 8

Articles in international peer-reviewed journals: 4

Articles in proceedings of international conferences/volumes without referees: 3

Articles in proceedings of Greek conferences/volumes without reviewers: 5

Presentations/posters at international conferences: 22

Presentations/posters at Greek conferences : 3

Technical Reports: 3

Articles in Greek professional and electronic journals without referees: 13


Reviewer: 18 Scientific Journals and Conference Proceedings

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